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Showing posts from December, 2016

December 3, 2016 Meeting Recap

meeting notes Here is a recap of important points from this last meeting: We discussed our… Vision: Freedom from authoritarian government Education Justice = reconciling justice/rights, acting inclusively Building on community Protecting and Advocating Human Rights Principles/Values: Diversity= we want a diverse group and need to work towards recruiting a more diverse population Leadership/power/privilege = as a majority white population in our region we need to understand white privilege and use our voice to stand up for those at risk. Empathy= maintaining empathy all including for those in diverse situations and opposing situations. Inclusivity Providing a space to share and learn Mission: Education= share/talking/learning; tuning in to legitimate news and fighting fake news, combating negativity Mobilizing community action Take back political office! Protect/Defend groups in need Quick Response= creating a system that